Forbes: Six Ways To Engage Introverts At Work

Forbes: Six Ways To Engage Introverts At Work

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How do you engage with introverts a work? Do you avoid them or try to engage them in crucial conversations and projects? You might find that your greatest champions are those you would least expect. Just because they don’t always engage in conversation or voice their opinion doesn’t mean they don’t have anything good to say. They could be awaiting the perfect time to let loose their thoughts and beliefs. We should always find ways to consider those who are overlooked in the workplace. They could be sitting on a gold mine of knowledge that could be helpful to both you as a leader as well as the entire organization.

Jean Kim, M.D., author and clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at George Washington University, states, “Introverts tend to be misunderstood in many settings, particularly in the American workplace, which tends to emphasize outspokenness and engaged interpersonal dynamics. Because of the mainstreaming of extroversion as the norm in our work culture, introverts sometimes fall into patterns of feeling misunderstood, overlooked, or out of sync with the rest.”

Upon further researching introverts, I captured their thoughts and information around the best ways to engage them in the workplace. As an introverted extrovert — or an ambivert, one composed of both introverted and extroverted traits — I consistently try to find ways to ensure that everyone is engaged. My husband is an introvert, and we do our best to ensure that we’re always effectively communicating and supporting each other’s needs.

In “Rethinking the Extraverted Sales Ideal: The Ambivert Advantage,” Adam M. Grant states (paywall), “Because ambiverts can listen as well as assert themselves, they’re ideal salespeople, co-workers, business owners, and leaders.”

Carl Jung believed that ambiverts are the most numerous group, making introverts and extroverts minorities. However, true introverts and extroverts do exist. Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert or ambivert, the list below includes several things you can do to better engage introverts at work.

1. Make the first move.

Introverts are most likely not going to be the first ones to engage. So it’s best that you reach out to them first. They often would rather sit and observe than strike up new conversations with colleagues, especially those they don’t already know. Some might find them socially awkward, and some might be. However, this doesn’t give us reason to treat them any differently than anyone else.

2. Introduce them to others.

Since they are often uncomfortable around large groups, help them feel comfortable by introducing them to your friends or colleagues. During corporate events, activities or meetings, be sure to take time to connect them with others who are open to helping you pave the way for them. Also, be sure to tout their accomplishments. Most introverts will not do this on their own. In doing so, this will help you establish a stronger relationship with them.

3. Let them speak.

During meetings, it helps if you ask introverts direct questions. Listen and let them complete their sentences before responding. Be patient, and don’t get frustrated by their communication style. Otherwise, they will most likely not share their feedback. They will retreat throughout the meeting and sometimes completely disengage if they feel as though they are not being involved in the conversation. Kim also states, “Introverts are often mistaken by extroverts for not knowing as much or lacking confidence, because they don’t automatically say what they know.” Therefore, instead of their feedback being deliberately captured, many times, their voices go unheard because they don’t speak up.

4. Know they are comfortable being alone.

Introverts are quite comfortable being alone. According to Psychology Today, “Introverts derive more pleasure from and are more energized by their own inner life than by social events.” We should never think that something’s wrong with them just because they would rather be alone than in a large crowd. Quiet time is where they thrive and when their ideas come to life. Renowned introvert Albert Einstein said, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”

5. Understand that building relationships is hard.

Team building doesn’t always come easy for introverts. They may have to push through their fear of engaging with those they don’t know. They are usually pretty good in smaller groups and one-on-one settings. However, to be effective leaders, they have to get out of their comfort zone and build relationships with their team. These relationships develop more so from one-on-one conversations and spending time getting to know each other.

6. Don’t overlook them for leadership roles.

Beware of overlooking them for leadership roles. In an article by John Rampton entitled “23 of the Most Amazingly Successful Introverts in History,” he highlights several leaders, such as Steven Spielberg, one of the greatest Oscar-winning producers and directors of our time who shares his creativity through film. J.K. Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, and Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO, are both also famous introverts.

Introverts can be quite reflective, as well as great decision-makers. If you have a high performer on your team who is an introvert, don’t assume that they can only be a good contributor and not a good leader. Their ability to be a great problem solver, mild mannered and relaxed when facing challenges can be great for any team.

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas on this important topic.

Forbes: Why Having A Diverse Network Is A Good Thing For Every Leader

Forbes: Why Having A Diverse Network Is A Good Thing For Every Leader

Photo: Getty

Click to read article on Why Having A Diverse Network Is A Good Thing For Every Leader

I began diversifying my network at a very young age and have not stopped. Start early, and be open to connecting often with people who don’t look like you! I’m intentionally connected to people who spark new ideas and perspectives. It forces me to be more creative and ensures inclusive thinking. Embracing diversity has even prompted me to learn new languages and cultures, which greatly expanded my global network.

There are seven key areas that I consider when establishing new and diverse relationships (I’m not saying these are the only areas). Focusing on these areas has helped me establish many close relationships and a global and diverse network. Several personal and professional opportunities have come my way as a result of the relationships I’ve built with those in my network. Many of my business clients were also referred to me by those in my network.

The seven areas are communication, culture, family, food, occupation, education and activities/sports. Although communication is listed as one of these areas, please note that it has to be infused throughout every area for any to be successful.

Communication: When seeking to establish a new and diverse relationship, strike up a conversation with someone who doesn’t look like you. Be approachable. It could be at an event or at work. As I mentioned above, seek out those you believe will offer new ideas and perspectives — especially those with a global outlook and network. They will help broaden your thinking.

If they are from a different country, learning to speak their language or seeking the best way to understand them is key. It shows a deep interest in furthering the relationship.

Culture: Learn about and respect their culture. When you meet someone, respect their way of life, their traditions, customs, faith or religion, etc. You don’t have to agree with everything they believe; however, find a way to mutually respect each other’s passions.

Family: If and when they’re willing to share, learn about their family, the people most important to them, the things they might enjoy. You may find similarities or more ways to connect with them (e.g., kids, pets, music, events). Reciprocate and share your family stories with them as well.

Food: Learn about their favorite foods. Food brings people from all walks of life together. I’ve learned to cook various ethnic dishes from my closest friends.

Occupation: If the person you’re establishing the relationship with is in your same profession, use your common profession as a way to break down barriers. Be receptive to learning from them and listening to their advice or perspective. Also, if you’re in a leadership position or a position of authority, find ways to ensure that their skills are highlighted or shared when opportunities arise. Of course, they must be qualified. However, sometimes it only takes one person to vouch for another to ensure people of color are considered for promotion.

Education: At times, your network could include those who have attained similar academic or personal achievements or those who may have been in your fraternity or sorority. Well, consider your new friend’s education and background when identifying someone to join your exclusive groups. Change the narrative for the groups and introduce diversity where there is none. Embracing diversity also means that you should be willing to challenge the norms.

Activities/Sports: Many times we connect to people because we enjoy the same activities or sports. It’s essential to find out similar activities or even sports that could create an even stronger bond between you and your new connection (e.g., golf, tennis, running, biking). Several of my friendships were initially established through participation in common sports, activities and even professional organizations and boards. Consider sharing these activities with your new connection or inviting them to participate alongside you.

In summary, all of the above areas and more will help your new relationships flourish. You can never go wrong when you take the time to consider others. There are many benefits to embracing diversity and expanding your network. It will ultimately enhance your social development and help you lead a global and diverse workforce, if you’re not doing so already. If that’s not enough, it could also open doors for professional opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise considered.

I know that all of this might sound like a lot of work. However, I encourage you not to take the easy route. The overall benefits of having a diverse network outweigh the amount of work it takes to build it. Some of you might think that your current non-diverse network is good enough. However, focus on what you will gain by diversifying it. Also, understand the reasons why you might not be willing to diversify your network. Identify the source of the problem. You could be holding yourself and your business back from great opportunities.